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I am a graduate of the Columbus College of Art & Design, where I studied advertising, graphic arts and photography and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. I began my career as a graphic designer before transitioning to photographic and cinematic arts. I currently work as a photo retouch artist and digital tech on fashion/retail photography shoots, television commercials, short films, documentaries and music videos. I dedicate my free time to my passion for exploring and photographing our natural world. This website is dedicated to showcasing the resulting images.

About the Artist

Artist Statement

From very early in my life I had a fascination with our natural world and its incredible beauty and diversity of lifeforms and landscapes. Later I developed a passion for photography which became the perfect medium to record and share my encounters in nature. Through photography, I hope to inspire others to experience the world around us, with the ultimate goal to raise awareness of its spectacular beauty and in doing so, fuel the desire to preserve and protect it and all of its inhabitants.

Every creature on my website is a wild animal - photographed in it’s natural environment, as I discovered it. I do not bait or call animals, nor photograph animals in captivity. My interest is in experiencing wild subjects in their native environment, behaving naturally and allowing me a glimpse into their lives, if only for a fleeting moment. The safety and well being of wildlife always takes precedence over getting the shot.

About the Wildlife

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